The Diary of a Mama-Yogi

Verena Primus - Ayurveda Yoga Coaching

14. Yoga In The Life of a Busy Mother: How To Fit It In

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Dear Mama-Yogis,

Whether or not you are a mother, the experiences and tips I share here can benefit you. You might find these practices useful in your own life, or you may know a mother who could benefit from this information—please feel free to pass it on!

Diary of a Mama Yogi – May 3rd 

Do you know those days when you wake up early and can’t fall asleep again because you have so many things on your mind? You start thinking about all the things you need to do and wonder when you’ll have time to do them. The list of to-dos goes on and on in your head, from what you need to do next for your business or work, to when you will meet the friend you had to cancel on because your son was sick, to paying for the tennis summer camp, and how to fit in a bit of time with your husband before he leaves on his next business trip. It seems endless, and once it’s time to get up, you’re so tired that you don’t feel like doing any of it.

There is so much to do that the sheer load of it feels suffocating, and because in your mind all the tasks pile up, you don’t know where to start. 
On days like these, I first do what helps me get centered and ground the nervous energy from my head down into my body.

I start my day with meditation and Yoga practice regardless of how much else I have to do. During a classic sitting meditation, my mind is often still racing, so I often start my day with a moving meditation like Qigong. As I move, breathe, and focus my thoughts on the energy flow through various organs, my mind settles and becomes calmer. The Yoga flow I like to do in the morning brings me even more into my body and grounds me. The movement and focus on my breath open those stiff body parts, and a sense of vitality returns as the blood and lymph move freely and my mind becomes clear. Regardless of how much time I “don’t” have, I always finish my Yoga practice with a short relaxation or sitting meditation. I let my body sink to the ground and for a moment or two, I enjoy the stillness while everything feels alive inside. I finish with an appreciation for the day and bow in gratitude for everything I have and can do.

Then I open my eyes, roll up my Yoga mat, and I’m ready for the day.

Yoga in a Busy Life of a Mum

Early in my journey as a mother practicing and teaching Yoga, Ayurveda, and Meditation for self-care, healing, and continuous awakening, I learned two simple yet powerful things.

I The first one is:
As a modern mother, you cannot adapt your life to a very rigorous Yoga practice. You need to adapt the Yoga practice to your life as a mother and be content with what you can do.

II The second one is:
Make your whole life as a mother your actual Yoga practice.

When you really understand these two teachings and apply them faithfully on your own journey as a mother who chooses to practice Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation, it will make your Yoga practice more powerful and your life as mother much easier.

One of my main roles as a Yoga teacher and Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist is to coach women and also men to be more patient, loving, and kind to themselves. Often, unrealistic expectations and an idealised image of how a Yogi should look and behave hinder us from starting or continuing practices that are beneficial. I help women like you discover and unravel misconceptions about their path and what practicing Yoga in everyday life should look and feel like.

The Three Main Benefits of Yoga

In my thirty years of yoga practice and teaching, I have crystallised
Three Main Benefits of Yoga:

  1.    Yoga induces physical and mental health.
  2.    Yoga releases the creative potential in you.
  3.    Yoga is the path to realisation.

Your physical, mental, and spiritual health form the basis for the seemingly never-ending daily tasks required of you as a mother. The way you are with your family and the work you do in this world ideally reflects your deepest passions and unique gifts. The kind of work you do in this world as a mother, partner, family member, community member, employee of a company, or independent workforce in society is not separate from your spiritual path.

To connect with your true nature also means connecting to what you love the most.

It is the way you choose to make the very best out of everything you do but without unrealistic perfectionism or self-criticism on your part. You live your life with full awareness, and it will flow and merge with the ultimate goal of Yoga: realisation. Because you want to realise your true nature in the ‘here and now’ and in every little thing you do on a daily basis. From picking up a needle off the floor to hugging your children and husband, to holding a big presentation of your life’s work in front of one or even a million people, it is all a part of life and therefore a part of your Yoga path.

Get Inspired To Get On Your Mat

“Although yoga is essentially a spiritual science, it leads to a sense of physical and emotional well-being.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

Yoga has been used in Ayurveda for centuries as a healing system that tackles imbalances and diseases at the root. Here are some major benefits of regular practice to inspire you to get on your mat daily:

1. Yoga Alleviates Back Pain.
Yoga strengthens and stretches your body, keeping your spine healthy and flexible. This is essential for handling daily tasks such as carrying your baby or bending to zip up your child’s jacket.

2. Yoga regulates mood swings and keeps anxiety and pain in check.
The neurotransmitter GABA slows down the transmission of signals between neurons, alleviating anxiety and sensations of pain. Yoga boosts GABA production, offering relief and balance for mothers juggling the demands of motherhood. This can mean more patience, emotional resilience, and a greater sense of well-being for mothers navigating daily challenges.

3. Yoga decreases stress levels.
Cortisol is released in response to stress, but elevated levels can interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, and increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart disease. Chronic stress and high cortisol levels also pose risks of depression, mental illness, and chronic inflammation, including arthritis and cancer. Excess cortisol production can cause hormonal imbalances in the thyroid and female reproductive organs.

The good news: Yoga’s deep breathing, slow movement, relaxation, and meditation can help lower cortisol levels, reducing health risks and restoring hormonal balance.

4. Yoga slows down your aging process.
Stress, fatigue, and rapid breathing can accelerate aging. In mothers facing constant stress, premature aging up to ten years has been documented in clinical trials. Yoga boosts the enzyme telomerase, which slows down cellular aging and helps cells recover more easily.Chronic stress, on the other hand, reduces telomerase levels.

So, if you want to avoid looking older than you are, get your Yoga seat belts on now! Daily Yoga practice can slow the aging process and serve as the amrit (nectar for longevity) as recommended in Ayurveda.

Additional benefits of Yoga include:

Improved Blood Sugar Levels Enhanced Sleep Quality Strengthened Immune System Prevention and Reversal of Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases

For a busy mother, yoga is a life saver. 

It provides a moment of calm and grounding amidst the chaos! With a regular practice of Yoga, you can stay healthy and live up to your full potential. You can be proactive and be the master of your stress levels and life, not the other way around.

Your Daily Life Is Your Yoga

Since I am a mother, I am asked to apply all that I have learned in my previous life as a “formal Yogi” in my daily life as a householder. I realised that to practice Yoga, you don’t have to go to India and sit in a cave with an enlightened sage. Your holy cave is your own home. Your Gurus are your children, partner, and everybody you meet. Your Yoga mat and meditation cushion are your practice companions on the big journey of life.

The Big-Picture-Yoga happens when you live your nature in everything you do. 
The union or perfection we seek is already ever-present. 

It is you. 
Your mind just needs to realise that.

You can integrate your true nature right here and now into your daily life with your children, work, and relationships.

Motherhood is like entering a master’s program of self-transformation 
and self-knowledge.

If you want to graduate, you are asked to face yourself and all the circumstances motherhood will face you with, with open arms and a welcoming smile.

Three Simple Yoga Practices for Mothers

1.) Morning Yoga Routine: The best way to incorporate yoga into your daily life is by starting your morning with a small yoga routine. Having worked with clients, especially mothers, for many years, I’ve observed that it’s often easiest to establish a regular practice by waking up a bit earlier than your family and dedicating 15-30 minutes to yoga before the day gets busy. Starting the day with movement, breathing, and a combination of strengthening and stretching exercises creates a centered and connected tone for the day ahead.

Once you cultivate the habit of beginning your day with yoga, you won’t want to go without it. Mothers, whether their little ones are crawling around or they have the space for a solo practice, find that they don’t want to miss their morning routine. It provides them with energy, focus, and a sense of centeredness and vitality throughout the day. They notice the difference on days when they skip morning yoga and appreciate the benefits of rising a bit earlier.

If you’d like to try a short 15-minute Morning Practice, follow this Morning Yoga Routine link and make it a regular part of your routine. Soon, like many others, you won’t want to live without it!

2.) Relaxation Pose: A Little Vacation Every Day

Supta Badhakonasana, or Reclined Bound Angle Pose, is the best friend of every woman during each of the four phases of the monthly cycle. It is simple and comfortable and offers a daily a small vacation for the body and mind. Regular deep relaxation is a commitment to one’s health, well-being, and a pathway to a youthful, vibrant life. Go to this 7 minutes of relaxation link and try it out whenever you want to go on a little cruse during the day or in the evening while staying on your living room floor or couch.

3.) Breathing Meditation: Become Aware of Your Breath

This is the first and most important step you take as you embark on the journey towards yourself: start watching your breath. Here is the first exercise:

Breath – Awareness Practice I:

1.) In this initial step, please sit on a chair or cross-legged on the couch. Keep your spine straight, but let your shoulders and hips relax.

2.) Close your eyes, eliminate all distractions, and then begin paying attention to the rhythm and quality of your breath.

3.) Stay in this pose and surrender; let go.

4.) Then, start observing your breathing. Practice simply becoming aware of your breathing. Notice your belly or chest rising and falling with each inhalation and exhalation.

5.) Pay attention to whether you breathe through your nose or mouth. If through your nose, notice the air moving into your nostrils as you inhale and out as you exhale. Can you feel that the inhaled air is cooler than the exhaled air?

6.) Now, focus on the tip of your nose and follow the sensation of the cooler inbreath and the warmer outbreath for a few minutes. If you find your mind drifting or feel drowsy, keep your eyes open and gaze softly at a spot in front of you.

7.) Begin with five minutes every day, ideally in the morning right after waking up and/or in the evening before going to bed. This short exercise will significantly impact the rest of your day or the quality of your sleep.

Thank you for joining me on this journey as a Mama Yogi. I hope these insights have inspired you to start embracing Yoga, Ayurveda, and Meditation as part of your daily life, helping you to cultivate balance, patience, and self-kindness.

As a busy mother, your everyday life can be a Yoga practice in itself. By approaching your challenges and triumphs with mindfulness and an open heart, you are already walking the path of self-realisation.

I encourage you to explore the simple Yoga practices and techniques I’ve shared in this newsletter. Whether you begin your day with a 15-minute morning routine or take a few moments for relaxation and breath awareness, these practices can transform your life and bring you closer to your true self.

Stay connected and keep your spirit nourished! In the next newsletter you’ll receive more tips, practices, and guidance to help you integrate Yoga and holistic wellness into your life as a mother and beyond.

With gratitude and love,
Verena Gayatri Primus
Ayurveda-Yoga Coach and Teacher

   Whenever you’re ready, there are 5 ways I can help you:

  1.    Guided Ayurvedic Home Cleanses: Your Spring and Fall Reset and Rejuvenation Learn to conduct regular Ayurvedic Cleanses followed by Rejuvenation Periods from the comfort of your own home and within your usual schedule, making it a consistent practice, instead of a onetime experience.  Clear your slate and start anew!
  1.    Ayurvedic Constitutional Assessment: A Gateway to Transformation
    Join over 3000 health-conscious clients and beginn your journey with a 3-part Ayurvedic Constitutional Assessment Package, where we identify your unique constitution and develop a tailored roadmap to guide you back to balance and optimal health.
  1.   Ayurveda-Yoga Coaching Program: Your Journey of Ongoing Transformation
    The Ayurveda-Yoga Coaching Program is the continuation, and it teaches you how to slowly incorporate Ayurvedic principles and Yogic practices into your daily life, leading you back towards  your roots, life goals, and true nature
  1.    Private Ayurvedic-Yoga and Meditation Program: Practice Yoga and Meditation at Their Peak 
    Join a community of over 10,000 students I have taught and learn the secrets of incorporating Yoga and Meditation into your everyday life, experiencing the rewards of a personalized practice that nurtures your body, strengthens your mind, and balances your emotions.
  1.    Preconception-Pregnancy-Postpartum Holistic Motherhood Programs:
    Start and navigate your Motherhood Journey with ease, confidence, and continuous support. Join fellow mothers at various stages of my motherhood and learn to increase your fertility and prepare yourself for conception, pregnancy and birth. Create an essential postpartum toolkit to support your bonding and recovery period and during your First Year of Motherhood, learn how to care for your baby and yourself, while gently aiding your body’s return to vitality and adapting your mind to your new life. Feel self-confident, and nurtured as you embrace motherhood!

Live your health. Live your truth. Be a Mama-Yogi.

Freedom to own your health and truth.

Start here.

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Jens Wolff

Karrierecoaching und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

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