
I’m Verena:

Your Mama-Yogi Guide to being a holistic mom.

I help women reclaim their time,
reduce stress and enhance well-being,
by integrating ancient wisdom into modern motherhood.

And if you landed on my site, you’re a mother or Yoga – Ayurveda enthusiast (or flirting with the idea of becoming one.)

 Benefit from my 30 years of Ayurveda-Yoga coaching and teaching expertise, and fill your Google Drive with the FREE resources, courses, and action steps necessary to equip you for the intricate journey of motherhood. 


Hi, I’m Verena:

Your Mama-Yogi Guide,

I help women reclaim their time,
reduce stress and enhance well-being,
by integrating ancient wisdom into modern motherhood.

And if you landed on my site, you’re a mother or Yoga – Ayurveda enthusiast (or flirting with the idea of becoming one.)

 Benefit from my 30 years of Ayurveda-Yoga coaching and teaching expertise, and fill your Google Drive with the FREE resources, courses, and action steps necessary to equip you for the intricate journey of motherhood.


I’ve been where you are…

Feeling totally overwhelmed and alone in my motherhood journey with no one to support me.

After years of traveling between California and India, free as a butterfly, focused on my own spiritual path, I found myself first with one, and a year later with two little ones alone at home.

I had welcomed this new phase of my life and loved my children, yet without support (my mother had died shortly before the birth of my first son), I felt not only liked a caged bird with ruffled feathers but exhausted and dead tired most of the time.

So, I relied on the wisdom and practices from my former life as yogi, teacher, and certified Ayurveda specialist.

I wondered how I could use these yogic and Ayurvedic tools to help me survive and thrive as mindful mother.

I realized I could integrate those principles and practices into my daily life, transforming my understanding of what it means to be a Mama-Yogi.

It has been the integration of these ancient tools into my modern life as mother and entrepreneur, that have saved my health and sanity. Using challenges and transforming them into new opportunities, I love to pass on what I have learned .

Now I can give the support I wish I had when I became a mother! 

Discover how to transform your motherhood experience from feeling tired and restrained to joyful and enriching, despite daily challenges?


I’ve been where you are…

Feeling totally overwhelmed and alone in my motherhood journey with no one to support me.

After years of traveling between California and India, free as a butterfly, focused on my own spiritual path, I found myself first with one, and a year later with two little ones alone at home.

I had welcomed this new phase of my life and loved my children, yet without support (my mother had died shortly before the birth of my first son), I felt not only liked a caged bird with ruffled feathers but exhausted and dead tired most of the time.

So, I relied on the wisdom and practices from my former life as yogi, teacher, and certified Ayurveda specialist.

I wondered how I could use these yogic and Ayurvedic tools to help me survive and thrive as mindful mother.

I realized I could integrate those principles and practices into my daily life, transforming my understanding of what it means to be a Mama-Yogi.

It has been the integration of these ancient tools into my modern life as mother and entrepreneur, that have saved my health and sanity. Using challenges and transforming them into new opportunities, I love to pass on what I have learned .

Now I can give the support I wish I had when I became a mother! 

Discover how to transform your motherhood experience from feeling tired and restrained to joyful and enriching, despite daily challenges?

How can I help you?

I want to….

01 Nourish Body
and Soul

with Ayurveda Diet
and Lifestyle

01 Prioritize your own dietary needs by feeding your body and soul with nutritious food and wholesome eating habits that balance your unique constitution and spiritual heart.

02 Nurture Physical
and Mental Well-being

with Yoga
and Exercise

02 Prioritize physical self-care to manage the demands of motherhood by regular yoga and exercise routines that leave you feeling energized, fit, and clear.

03 Find Inner Peace
and Joy

with Meditation
and Mindful Practices

03 Prioritize inner peace and emotional resilience by reconnecting with your own spiritual source through sadhana and find joy in simple, daily rituals and moments of appreciation.

Verena is the wise and compassionate guide you need to navigate this most precious and, let's be honest, challenging time in your life: Motherhood. In the programs she's created, the ancient healing practices of yoga, meditation and ayurveda come alive, as she infuses them with practical advice, movement, gentle humor, and moments of reflection. Most of all, she gives you everything you need to begin your journey—even before you conceive—and she stays with you throughout your pregnancy and on into those early years of parenting.

Free Mama’s Holistic Well-being Starter Kit!

The Secret to Reclaim
Your Time and Health

Struggling to take back time for yourself? Nourishing yourself with food?
Moving your beautiful body? Relaxing and decluttering your busy mind?

Grab this FREE Holistic Well-being Starter Kit .
It’ll will help you prioritize self-care and finally stick to it!

Namaste, I’m Verena:

I help women reclaim their time,
reduce stress and enhance well-being
by integrating ancient wisdom into modern motherhood.

An Open Letter
To Empowered Mama-Yogis:
(Or anyone who want to reclaim their time,
live their health, and express their true nature.)

You can be the mother you always wanted to be.
You can live the marriage you’ve always wanted.
You can pursue your passion and  your dream career.
You can take care of yourself while walking your spiritual path.

Your life as a holistic mother is your day-to-day spiritual practice—every aspect of it. It’s not just the daily 30 to 60 minutes of asana and meditation time that you manage to carve out of your busy daily schedule.
You are living Yoga as life itself.

You can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually,
not in spite of being a mother, but because of it.

I’m here to help you discover the wisdom within you,
and to have the courage to live it!

On the Mama-Yogi Path
You use practices of:

And these in combination with
Modern Coaching Tools.

Just because you become a mum you don’t have to lose who you are.
You matter. Your dreams matter. Your well-being matters.

Taking back time for yourself and to start nourishing yourself with food, spiritual practices, and with everything else you do is the journey I take you on.

And as you do so, you not only free yourself.
You free your children and partner
to reach their full potential
while you serve as the spiritual hearth of the whole family.

Verena Gayatri Primus

Four ways how I can help you:


1:1 Ayurveda-Yoga Coaching

Your personalized journey begins with an Ayurvedic Constitutional Assessment process and continues with ongoing support through the Ayurveda-Yoga Coaching Program. I’ll personally guide you, leading you back towards your optimal routines, health, and life goals. 


1:1 Holistic Motherhood Programs

1. Preconception: Supporting Fertility and Preparing for Pregnancy

2. Pregnancy: Supporting Pregnancy and Preparing for Birth

3. Postpartum and First Year of Motherhood: Support after the Birth & Reshaping Your Body 

Gain a personalized toolkit that fits your unique needs during every stage of motherhood.


The Diary of a Mama-Yogi Newsletter

Every other Saturday, receive valuable tools and resources to reclaim time for yourself, manage stress, and nurture your health in everyday life.


The Mama-Yogi Community

Become a part of our Mama-Yogi community and join like-minded women who share with each other their individual challenges, insights, and success stories. Meet new peers on your individual but shared motherhood journey.

“For several years, Verena has been by my side. From the desire to have a healthier, leaner body to the journey of becoming a mother. Even during my pregnancy and the life changes that followed, she was there with advice, yoga, and Ayurveda. Thanks to her, I can walk my path as a (mostly) balanced, working, and healthy mother. Verena, your unwavering support, and guidance have been invaluable to me on this journey. I deeply appreciate you and your work.“
Yvonne, Designer and Mother, Vienna
“Reflecting on my journey, I am certain that without this program, my recovery and adaptation to motherhood would have been much more challenging. The comprehensive preparation for both birth and the crucial postnatal period was invaluable. I am deeply thankful for the essential support and knowledge I received from Verena, which have been fundamental in my transition into motherhood.“
Paula, Project manager and Mother, Tirol
“Since joining Verena’s program, I've found a holistic approach to managing my time and energy, especially important after the birth of my second child. The coaching has been transformative, helping me to become more centered and balanced. I appreciate how it integrates all aspects of my life—work, wellness, and motherhood—into a manageable routine. I'm grateful for Verena's guidance that has made me more resilient and less stressed, allowing me to enjoy the small moments more fully.“
Maria, Journalist and Mother, Vienna
“This is not a Yoga Class! Your classes are therapy! I come in a feel tired and exhausted and I leave feeling refreshed and well again. You are very professional and the results are clear. I definitely recommend you!”
Dr. Barbara E., Psychiatrist, Vienna
“I have worked with Verena Primus, a beautiful person inside and out, for the past 6 years and she is an extraordinarily gifted healer on multiple levels. She is a highly trained professional in Ayurvedic medicine and a yoga master. Verena’s care helped me to recover from a serious heart condition, which greatly impressed my cardiologist. I feel very blessed to have Verena in my life and I highly recommend her.”
AT, Consultant San Francisco, California
“Now I understand that one cannot apply the wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga all at once. It is simply not possible! It takes time to find it’s way into my life and for me to adjust to it.”
DDr. Andrea B., Vienna
“Hi Gayatri, I have been sharing with family and friends the amazing path I am on and everybody wants to know more. You have certainly opened up such a wonderful path for me. I am meditating daily, eating as you have suggested, and I am in the process of giving up coffee. I appreciate you more than you will ever know. I count you as one of this years biggest blessing. You are truly a gift!”
Jane, Family therapist Halfmoon Bay, California
“I’m so thankful for the wisdom of Verena Primus. I’m not able to see Verena nearly enough for her Ayurvedic consultations as I would like but still, she’s my go-to for beauty and health. I’ll be serving Tulsi tea.“
Stephanie L.C, Vogue features associate, New York City
“I am so happy that I have found a teacher who can support me in every situation in my life and who can help me translate it into Yoga. My body changed, my mind changed and I found more awareness for myself and the world around me.“
Maria, actress, Vienna and Germany
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Subscribe to the Newsletter​

Join the readers of The Diary of a Mama-Yogi for exclusive tips, tools, and resources to discover, nurture, and live your health and truth in everyday life.

My Gift for Your Holistic Motherhood Journey:

My gift to you is the knowledge and practice of Sadhanaprinciples and tools to grow despite life’s challenges, helping you emerge as a heroine with more to give to yourself, your children, your family, and the world.

Freedom to
reclaim your time.

Freedom to
nurture your health.

Freedom to grow
into who you are.

Subscribe to begin.

Every other Saturday, receive valuable tools and resources to reclaim time for yourself, manage stress, and nurture your health in everyday life.

Start Nourishing Your Body and Soul

The Art of Wholesome Eating Guide

The FREE simple, step-by-step Starter Guide provides you with lots of practical Ayurvedic tips to help you nourish not just your body, but also your family’s heart and soul. ( Yes, even if you are not the “cooking” type of mom!)

Start Feeling Energized and Clear

Your Yoga Starter Bundle

Receive the FREE, ultra-simple Yoga Starter Bundle designed specifically for busy mothers like you. It includes a Mini Yoga Routine Video and the “Yoga for Mothers” eBook.
Discover how to find balance, boost your energy, and feel more centered throughout the day. ( Yep, even if you are new to Yoga!)

Start Cultivating Inner Peace and Joy

Your Meditation Starter Bundle

Receive the FREE, easy Meditation Starter Bundle designed specifically for busy mothers like you. It includes a Guided Meditation Video and the “Meditation for Mothers” eBook. Discover how to integrate meditation into your daily life as a centering, focusing, and reconnecting practice (even in the midst of chaos!).